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Public transport: OV chipcard.

Since the ending of 2009, Rotterdam and Amsterdam have introduced the OV-chipcard.
And it's a total drama.
If you ask me, there aren't a lot of benefits. I'll give you some examples of me and my OV experience:

Example 1:

If I've got the first hour free from school, I always take the subway, because if I take the bus I have to wake up earlier, and I don't like that. So, I wake up at eight, and take the subway at 8.15. In fact, I've only got 45 minutes. Minus 10 min. of showering and 5 minutes of walking to the station, only an half hour left for me to dress. I'm often too late (a). Very often, so if you ever pass by Amsterdam, and you see a dumbass running for the metro/bus/tram/train, it might be me. However, most of the time a walk fast towards the station, and most of the time, when I'm 20 metres from the station I have to run. Before those OV-gates were there, I could race upstairs and jump between the metro doors before they close. Last time, I had to run (again) and when I arrived, first I had to get my OV-card, scan it, wait before the gate opens (they are so damn slow) and than run upstairs. Result: The metro made that awful *dingdong* sound, and left without me...
That sucks. Big time. And it also hurts. You feel.. rejected. Abandoned. All by yourself, in the cold, tough world. Waiting, for the next metro...

Example 2:

Once, the machine said that I wasn't travelling in my zone, so it took 75ct of my OV-money. The problem was: I didn't have OV-money, so my saldo was -0.75 ct :) If you've got a negative saldo, you can't go ANYWHERE. You're stuck. I was thinking: shit, shit, what to do o.O
I imagined disaster scenarios of me crawling under the gate, while a camera is taping me, and what a coincidence, a police offer :) Or, me pushing the gates open and you hear an awful alarm. Suddenly everybody turns around and watches me like I'm a criminal.
And then, I made up the perfect plan! I've got two stations near my house. At the nearest one, all the gates are closed. But at the other one, the train gates were open, muahaha. I know, I'm brilliant. So I ended up safe :)

Have you read any advantages? I don't think so.

That's all folks! x


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